Christmas! We safely made it home to New York. I just finished watching a movie with the fam while I curled up on the floor by the fireplace. And now it is SNOWING! I'm home, its warm, my fam is here...Christmas is definitely here! I'm happy :)
Friday, December 21, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
what a weekend!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
holiday to do list
-buy sweater for ugly christmas sweater party
-get green onions for dip to bring to party
-buy dog food
-buy computer game for Kayla
-buy ingredients for christmas baking
-go to target
-go to cvs
-clean the house
-finish adopt-a-family project
wish me luck. i know we all have to do lists like this one! good luch to you too!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
my new boyfriend

Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
God though a 12 year old boy
9:00-arrive at testing site and begin to review for test, scheduled to begin at 10.
9:15-back in NY my dad is driving to a meeting and remembers he is suppose to pray with me around 9. reaches for his phone and realizes he left it home by accident. prays for me anyways and asks god to bring be peace as i prepare for the test.
9:20-a boy around the age of 12 walks past me as i study. i think to myself-what is a 12 year old boy doing at a college hall on a Saturday morning? our eyes meet and he continues to walk, i continue to study.
9:25-the boy walks by again and says " I wish you the best of luck on your test today," with a big smile on his face. I INSTANTLY knew that God was speaking through this boy to let me know that it was going to be okay and that he was right there by my side.
9:26-the prayers of my earthly father are answered by my heavenly father.
10:00-test begins and i have a strong sense of peace
11:15-test ends and i did well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
you da' man bob!

Monday, October 8, 2007
what the heck happened to fall?
I have a crush!

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
scaed (scared)
so i was working in the bookmaking center with this adorable little girl today. she doesn't use "r's" in her speech yet and she occasionally omits some other sounds. we were making a book about things that go (we are learning about transportation). she was pleased that she was able to complete the book without much difficulty. i could see her confidence building. she was telling me about her feelings about starting kindergarten and she said this; "ms. hawsey, i was gettin' a wittle scaed of kindewgaten, when kelly (her sister) said dey got pwdoh, and i said I'M DERE!" ( i tried to type it the way she said it).
definition-ms. halsey, i was getting a little scared of kindergarten, when kelly said they got play doh and i said "I'm there!"
how cute is that?!?! did you know that a little playdoh can take away a whole lot of fear?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Psalm 37:4
Through Joel's website you can sign up for daily devotionals to be emailed to you. This one really touched me. Sometimes I really don't think that God is going to give me the desires of my heart. I get discouraged and feel like giving up my dreams. But God knows what I need and want!!! Read all about it.
Today's Scripture
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart”(Psalm 37:4 AMP).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria God knows the secret petitions of your heart. He knows every hidden dream He’s placed within you. He knows those things that you haven’t told anybody about. Maybe you thought they would never come to pass, or maybe you buried them because they didn’t happen on your timetable. Maybe, in the natural, you have every reason to give up on those dreams. Be encouraged today—God is still working behind the scenes! He still has a plan to bring those dreams to pass. Do what the verse says, and delight yourself in Him today. That word delight, actually means to make yourself soft and pliable. It paints the picture of God as the Potter and you as the clay. Allow God to mold and shape your character today. Allow Him to direct your plans and ideas. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy today, and as you submit your ways to the Lord and open your heart to His leading, He will fulfill those secret petitions of your heart!
A Prayer for Today
Father, You said the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter. You said no good thing will You withhold because I walk uprightly before You. You said because I delight myself in You, You will give me the secret petitions of my heart. So Father, I thank You today for being in control of my life. Thank You for the good things You have in store for my future. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I like this one....
Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.Don't dance so fast.Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day on the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow downDon't dance so fast.Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had timeTo call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.Don't dance so fast.Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....Thrown away.
Life is not a race.Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Fallin' in love with fall

Anyways-I'm happy that fall is here :)
Friday, September 7, 2007
5 year olds

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
i'm back...i think
so, needless to say my blog has been ignored. so far so good with my 5th kindergarten class. today was only their second full day, but they are doing well. i only have 2 criers so far, and they both don't cry for long. thank the lord! i think i'm gonna have fun with this class.
in my last blog i mentioned my Halsey/God partnership to help me get through the school year. well i'm happy to report that it is working. god is a great partner!!!! i have been able to stay calm and not get super stressed. i have even continued to have a life! i have not put my life on hold for the first few months of school. god is good. i encourage you to invite him into your workplace. ask him to partner with you and see what he does. he will always be on time, he will help you with all your tasks and he will teach you new things through the people and things you come in contact with at work. i know it is easy to say that your work is not related to your faith or that your job does nothing to further His kingdom. but you can make it both of those if you want to. let god show you how you can further His kingdom through your job. its amazing how much easier your job can be when you do it for God and not just for a paycheck.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
summer, school and new beginnings
Friday, August 10, 2007
internet oh internet, how i miss thee
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
a case for coffee
have a great day and don't forget to drink your coffee.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

(the picture shows exactly what we did-except we used our hands. i will hopefully have a real picture of me in action when i get back. )
Saturday, July 28, 2007
i'm hanging out with renee tonight, we have lots of catching up to do. we are doing sushi and then coffee. yay! two of my favorites! then on monday morning i leave to go to cullowhee, nc for an NCCAT conference. it is called "daring to lead". i am excited. we get to go white water rafting!!! i have wanted to do that for a long time. well-that's really it, not much to report. i hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
i think i have a drinking problem...
that's my story and i'm sticking to it :)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Permission to nap

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

When I was home I went to this Catholic Shrine that I had recently read about in the book, Fast Lane to Heaven, by Ned Dougherty. This shrine is only 20 minutes from where I grew up, but I can only remember going there once when I was little to see the manger scene during the Christmas holiday. Anyways, they have some beautiful crosses, statues of Jesus, Mary, and the apostles, as well as the stations of the cross. As my Mom and I walked around we noticed this sign. It made me laugh so I had to take a picture of it.
I disagree with this sign. God did not make me a soft spoken woman! I'm a bit loud and I embrace my loudness. I can handle dressing modestly, but not all the time!!! Anyways, I know that my place in heaven will have a sign that says something like this "This is not a Holy place, come as you are and we will praise the Holy one!!!" AMEN!!!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Home sweet home
Monday, July 9, 2007
And in other news....
Doss, known for her paparazzi dodging skills, was also seen at Cooper's Beach where she seemed to be collecting rocks. Doss spent the holiday weekend with her long time friend, Jennifer Halsey. The owner of Breezin' Up on Jobs Lane in Southampton said that Doss was a pleasure when she stopped in to purchase a t-shirt. "She looked radiant, just like she does in the movies, she was sweet as could be, " said Breezin' Ups owner.
Doss returned to Raleighwood on Saturday and resumed the filming of her up and coming film, yet to be named. There is already oscar buzz surrounding this film, also starring Brad Pitt and Kate Hudson.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
A picture speaks volumes
I don't own a digital camera (yet). But my parents do and I love to snap pictures and then with the click of the mouse have them on the computer! So here are some random shots of my vacation. They say more than my crazy blog entries!!!
My best friend

This is my best friend Kelley. We have been best friends for 14 years, we met in 8th grade. Kelley lives in my hometown and I rarely get to see her. We talk on the phone, email, myspace, ect. when we are not together...but being with Kelley is half the reason I will always travel back to Southampton, NY...even when all of my family members have moved away.
When Kelley and I are together there is a unique bond between us that I can't really describe. Whether we drive around aimlessly for hours, go out to eat, go out for drinks, or she kidnaps me to run errands-we have a great time. If I had to to choose one person who I had to be stranded on an island with the rest of my life it would be Kelley! And as an added bonus to the wonderful Kelley, she has an awesome husband and cutie-pie daughter that I love too. I am so blessed to have a friend like Kelley. She knows me so well, maybe too well sometimes :)
We have seen each other through so much. I will never forget when I got to go to the prom when I was a junior in high school. I was dating a senior and we had been dating for a long time. Kelley was single and it was hard for her to constantly be around me and my boyfriend. Being the loyal friend that she is, she came over to see me all dressed up and to send me off in the limousine before the prom. But when Kelley came over and saw all the "couples" and all the fun we seemed to be having it hurt her and she got upset. She tried so hard to hide it and to be happy for me. She kindly gave me a kiss and told me how beautiful I looked and then she left out a side door so that I couldn't see her tears. It broke my heart.
Well, fast forward a year and the picture was reversed. I was single and she was dating one of Southampton's most eligible bachelors. That was hard on me, but Kel was always aware of how I felt because she had been in my shoes before. And now, fast forward 9 more years and Kelley is still with Southampton's most eligible bachelor, except that he is not eligible anymore! He is happily married to Kelley and their adorable daughter Rielly is almost 4 years old. And me..well you know that story-I'm still single. But thank God I still have Kel to cheer me up when single life gets to me.
So Kel....I love you and thank God for you always. Thanks for being the best friend I could ever ask for. Miles will never weaken the special bond we have.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
ponder this
Big money

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
My Dad is the best builder

front of house


back of house too

i love these stairs!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

home is....
my mom use to have a decorative plaque hanging in our house that said "home is where your heart is". i never thought about it, just saw it on a regular basis. 4 years ago when i moved to NC i don't think my heart was anywhere. it was unhappy and longing/searching for a place to call home. and now it is safe to say that my heart, my home is really in North Carolina.
i know this for many reasons.
1. i just love it there... the kind people, the beautiful weather, the great churches, my extended family, my brother, and soon to be brotherS (Jason is going to High Point University in the fall!!!).
2. i have complete peace in my heart when i am there. i don't have that feeling here anymore.
3. my church and church family are there
4. my great job is there
5. awesome friends
6. i believe my future is there
lots of people ask me if i would ever move back here. the answer is no. as much as i love the beach, my best friend, and the beauty, i just don't feel like its home anymore. my next blog will further address my dislike of "the hamptons".
so, my home is north carolina....and i miss it :(
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The music of my life
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the questions.
What does next year have in store for me?
Mr. Brightside-The Killers
mr. brightside sounds a lot like mr. right doesn't it!?!?!
What does your love life look like?
Once Again-Matt Redman
What do I say when life gets hard?
Night, Night-Seiom Accorgo
this is sooo true-when i'm upset i always go to sleep-that is how i deal when life gets hard. i guess i secretly hope to sleep through it all!
What do I think when I get up in the morning?
Zanzibar-Billy Joel
what does zanzibar mean???
What song will I dance to at my wedding?
Mission Pen Possible-Tunnelrats
so funny!
What do you want as a career?
Walk by Faith-Jeremy Camp
Your favorite saying?
Music of my heart-Nicole C. Mullen
Favorite place?
The One Thing-Paul Coleman
What do you think of your parents?
Black, White, Tan-Nicole C. Mullen
Where would you go on a first date?
Hallelujah-Brenton Brown
See…just the thought of a first date makes me say hallelujah
Drug of choice?
Shooby –Nicole C. Mullen
sounds like a good drug!!
Describe yourself:
sleep, baby sleep-Nursery rhymes
i do like to sleep :)
What is the thing I like doing most?
Sing Alleluai-Jennifer Knapp
that's great!!!
The song that best describes the president?
Highway Blues-Marc Seales
What is my state of mind like at the moment?
How will I die?
Our Little Love-Nursery Rhymes
Jamie's custom question: What makes me smile?
New Mexico-Billy Joel
Joey's custom question: What captures your attention?
Jennifer’s custom question-What will my day be like?
Keeping the Faith-Billy Joel
this is the best one!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
evil credit cards
i cut my target credit card and another visa card up about 3 months ago now. surprisingly i haven't died of starvation or from the lack of this summer's latest hand bag. i didn't cancel my credit cards yet because i am still paying them off. anyways, i got a letter from target national bank the other day. it stated that my wonderful payment history had earned me a large credit increase along with my target card being switched to a visa target card, so that i could use it anywhere in the whole wide world. i have to say it was tempting...i started to think of all the reasons why i should accept this reward for my great behavior (yeah right). but i came to my senses and decided to opt out of the upgrade. well, let me tell you they sure don't make it easy for you to opt out. you have to read through this brochure with negative 4 font and then you have to call an 800 number, enter your account number and press 2 about 6 times to confirm that you really do want to opt out. isn't that crazy??!?!? so much effort to do the right thing. if i had decided to take the new upgrade i would have had to do nothing...absolutely nothing, just go to my mailbox and get it when it arrives. so, beware of credit card companies. they will do anything to make YOU slave to the lender.
soooooooooooooooooooooo...i'm working at aqueduct right now. i am "night manager", which means that i am here to supervise the waitstaff during dinner, make sure that dinner goes smoothly, and handle any needs of our guests (extra towels, show them how to work the tv, etc.) i also answer the phone and make sure that everyone gets into their cottages safe and sound at night. i turn lights on and off, lock up the buildings, etc. it is a wonderful second job for me, because it is not stressful and it allows for me to get things done.
i have LOTS of down time here. so i always bring my laptop, lesson plans, bible, etc. i use my down time to pay bills, update my blog, check email, work on my budget...i could go on and on. before i worked here i'm not sure when i use to do all these things! i sometimes am working on personal things for hours at a time!
now that school is out and its summer time i don't have as much to do. i was looking forward to getting my work done tonight and then just watching some tv tonight and just vegging out. however the tv is not working and i am sad :( i have to admit that i really love tv. its at times like this-when my brain and body are just tired, but its still not time for bed, that i really love tv. i'm too tired to read without falling asleep, so tv is perfect. i have already searched every website that i know of and i just want to channel surf until its time to lock up (11pm). so, instead of watching tv i am writing a boring blog :) sorry guys. blame it on the tv.
new york
10. jason is graduating from high school...hooray!
9. if i want to go the beach i can be there in 5 minutes instead of 2 hours!
8. i get to eat REAL bagels, good chinese food, and amazing chicken salad
7. i get to see kelley, sine and reilly :)
6. i get to see my mom, dad, jason, grammie, pa, gay and mal
5. i will be reminded of how much i love living in n.c. (traffic, lack of a.c., rude people, etc.)
4. i get to see lisa and joe
3. i will spend most of my days there with my feet planted in the warm sand, while listening to the sound of the ocean waves crashing and feeling the cool sea breeze (none of this 100 degrees by noon crap)
2. doss is coming to visit!!!!
1. i will be "home"
Friday, June 15, 2007
Bathing suit shopping...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
summer, summer time!
the rest of my day involves a manicure and pedicure, courtesy of a gift certificate from one of my student's parents. then i will run a few errands and probably get a nap in. i'm pretty happy right now!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
down pour
so, sister and i start walking and i notice the black clouds in the distance. but i decided they were too far away for me to worry. i was wrong! about 5 minutes into the walk it starts to rain and then POUR!!!! sister and i started running back to the apartment, but it was too late. we were soaked. so i stopped running and just admired the rain for a minute. i could immediately smell the rain on the hot asphalt and see the steam start to rise. it reminded me of being a kid, playing on the farm and getting caught in an afternoon thunderstorm. it was fun. sister didn't much appreciate getting so wet, but it was worth it.
i didn't sing in the rain, but i was tempted!
Sunday, June 3, 2007

I meet Christy 4 years ago as I started my teaching career at North Chatham School. She thought I was snotty at first because I turned down every offer she ever made to go to happy hour on Friday afternoon. I didn't turn her down because I am snotty, I was just struggling with my adjustment to teaching and moving to NC, etc. So when she couldn't get me to happy hour she invited me to church!! I finally said yes and that is how I found newhope!!! It is amazing how God works. It is really all because of Christy that 12 (yes twelve) of my family members now attend newhope and are experiencing God's love and grace in a whole new way. Cool, huh?
Well the story doesn't end there. Christy and I not only worked together, but now we went to church together. We eventually ended up in the same small group too! So to save gas money we just decided to become roommates!!!! (that isn't really why, but it makes sense, right?!?)
I lived with Christy for 2 years and God continued to bless me through her. And now she is moving to Africa! I'm gonna miss her...a lot. But I couldn't be more happy for her. She is the most obedient person I know when it comes to listening to God. And for that reason God is preparing to bless her in ways that she could never even imagine. There is talk of Christy returning with an African baby and lots of piercings...who knows!! The only one thing I know for sure is that thousands of people will be blessed by her in Africa.
If you don't already support Christy in prayer or with finances you need to get on the boat!!! This girl is going lets help her get there. Leave me a comment if you want more info on supporting her.
I LOVE YOU CHRISTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
so, after some poor calculations i ended up with only $6 for food to last from this past saturday until friday (which is still 2 days away). i don't really have any groceries in my house but i got creative this week. i defrosted all the turkey burgers and chicken cutlets that had gone astray in my freezer, i ate all the canned veggies that have collected dust in my cabinets. but then last night i realized that i had NOTHING left. at least not anything that i could combine to make edible. so i ventured to target this afternoon with my $6. i planned on getting some pasta because its cheap and i like it, but then i got into the store and discovered all the things under one dollar that i could buy! here is what i ended up with 2 bottles of sparking water, 1 pasta side dish thing, 2 bananas, 1 large can of peas,1 box of vanilla cookies and 1 box of pasta...for $4.76! can you believe it?!?! i thought about going back and spending the left over money but i knew not to press my luck! as i stood on line to pay i noticed that a guy in the lane next to me was buying 1 can of tuna fish, 1 box of mac and cheese, and vanilla cookies( the .99 cent ones). i think he was in the same boat as me! it made me feel so much better and i guess that god just wanted me to see that i'm not the only one who has to count my pennies. why am i sharing this? because i want everyone to know that you can survive on very little money and LOTS of faith in god! hopefully i will do better next month, especially now that i know how to spend less than 6 bucks on food in 8 days!!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Teacher Appreciation
Then I come into work on Monday and each of my students came in with a flower for me! They walked in with a proud smile and a flower. I could tell how excited each of them were. They clutched the flower in their tiny little hand and said "This is for you Ms. Halsey!!" It's a flower!" (just in case I didn't know) My class mom came in with a huge vase and arranged them as the kids came in. All together they looked beautiful!!! I also got some really thoughtful cards from parents. Today my c lass mom organized a catered lunch for all the kindergarten teachers. Not only did we eat delicious food, but we also got to eat WITHOUT our students. Parent volunteers came in and took our students to lunch and we got to eat with other adults!! Imagine that! I did not open one milk or ketchup packet. I did not clean up one spill or remind one student to close their mouth while chewing. I did not eat corn dogs with canned peaches or pizza left over from Monday!!!! Needless to say it was nice, very nice. So, I like teacher appreciation week. I know that it is just one more thing for you moms, but please understand that we really do enjoy it! We often really under appreciated-so this week really means a lot. Now I have the motivation to get through to the end of the year (without loosing it). To all my teacher friends-I think you're great. Keep up the great work. What we do is so important!!!
Saturday, May 5, 2007

August 27, 2005
I use to have a brother named Ryan. We grew up together and I think I loved him more than any other sister loved her brother. My other brother Jason and I both loved Ryan. The three of us had so many memorable times growing up. I remember growing up on Loper’s Path with Ryan. Even when we both went our separate ways off to college, we remained best friends. He even came all the way from his college to mine to surprise me on my birthday one year.
I do not have a brother named Ryan anymore. I have an alcoholic for a brother. He is not Ryan now, he is an alcoholic. The Ryan that Jason and I love has been gone for sometime now. It only gets more and more painful as time goes by. Jason and I are still growing up together, but we do it with heavy hearts now. A part of us is missing and we can only remember the past to hold onto memories of Ryan. We try to talk about the good times often, to keep them fresh in our mind. Otherwise we will forget the brother Ryan we once had.
I hope and pray more than anything that Ryan will come back someday. It may never be the same, but I still want part of him back. Right now Jason and I just have an alcoholic for a brother. I hate my alcoholic brother. My heart will never fully mend until I have Ryan back. I love Ryan and always will. I pray that the Lord will send back my brother. That is all I want. I still love Ryan more than any other sister loves her brother.
To blog or not to blog
Blogging is really just a fancy word for journaling. (Our culture has created fancy words for just about everything.) When I thought of it more at journaling I started to warm up to the idea. However, I've never been much of a journalist either. I have about 10 pretty journals that collect dust on my bookshelves. Each one a gift or one that I purchased in an attempt to inspire myself to be a better journalist. It didn't work. Out of the 10 journals that I have they each average about 2-3 journal entries, followed by 100+ blank pages! A few years ago I started to journal on my laptop. I am a much faster typer than I am a writer. This solved the sore writing hand problem, but still left me feeling unsatisfied. As I began to explore the blogging world I realized how much you could do with blogs, like adding pictures, changing fonts and colors, etc. That was very appealing to me And most importantly my friends can read what I write! So, to make a long story short HERE I AM!!! I am now an official blogger. If I can find the time to browse myspace and look at the pictures on everyday, I can find the time to blog too. There are no guarantees that I will keep this up, but at least I'm not wasting 100+ pages of a journal, right?