Friday, August 10, 2007

internet oh internet, how i miss thee

ryan and i moved into our apartment a year ago in july. when we moved in we discovered that there was an open wireless connection available to us. we assumed it was from an apartment nearby because we had an "excellent" connection. i don't do anything top secret on my computer so i wasn't worried about my identity being stolen or anything. i thought it would be okay for us to "share" the connection until we got around to getting our own. well, a year has passed and the connection has never failed us. it has been wonderful to have one less bill. but all good things come to an end eventually. when i was in the mountains last week the people who lived directly above us (whose dog runs around from room to room nonstop!) moved out. and with then went our wonderful internet connection :( once the denial passed and i realized that the connection really was gone i panicked to find a replacement. i called a few different places and ended up going with road runner through time warner. however, they cannot come to do the installation till Sunday!!! the thought of a week without internet was scary. thankfully i have internet assess at work and have been able to check my email, etc. almost everyday. but i miss my own internet so much! i actually had to use the phonebook for the first time in ages this week! i needed to look up a number and i usually just use, but this time i actually had to dig out the phone book, do the abc's in my head and look up a number. how spoiled are we?!?!? and then i needed directions and i couldn't do mapquest! aaahhh! i had to rely on the not to precise directions from a friend to navigate through downtown raleigh. i'm happy to say i made it-but not without a few wrong turns down a few not too safe streets. but finally it is saturday and i can see the light! tomorrow between 1-5 i will have my own internet connection that cannot just up and leave without my permission! it is amazing to think that less than 12 years ago we didn't even have a computer in our house. i only opened an email account my senior year of high school so that i could communicate with my boyfriend who was already away at college. and now i can't survive without it.! i even caved in and bought a $9.99 day pass for t-mobile at starbucks yesterday! can you believe it! i spent $9.99 just to make sure i wasn't missing anything (that is basically what it all comes down to). as school gets ready to start again i am going to make a conscious effort to not check my email 10 times a day. i'm sure, as i have learned this week, that i will survive.....


merrill5 said...

girl count your blessings. I've been told that our office is charged $400 us dollars a month for our super duper slow 64K internet service!

Jennifer said...

i know. i am very blessed...and spoiled!!!