Tuesday, June 19, 2007

new york

the top 10 reasons why i am excited to go home (in no particular order)

10. jason is graduating from high school...hooray!
9. if i want to go the beach i can be there in 5 minutes instead of 2 hours!
8. i get to eat REAL bagels, good chinese food, and amazing chicken salad
7. i get to see kelley, sine and reilly :)
6. i get to see my mom, dad, jason, grammie, pa, gay and mal
5. i will be reminded of how much i love living in n.c. (traffic, lack of a.c., rude people, etc.)
4. i get to see lisa and joe
3. i will spend most of my days there with my feet planted in the warm sand, while listening to the sound of the ocean waves crashing and feeling the cool sea breeze (none of this 100 degrees by noon crap)
2. doss is coming to visit!!!!
1. i will be "home"

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