Monday, October 8, 2007

I have a crush!

not the typical boy crush though. i have a crush on my sweet little cousin jovan. jovan turned 2 on september 29th and she is kim and howard's third girl. don't get me wrong-i absolutely LOVE all of kim and howard's kids. but right now jovie is my favorite. because they are not my kids i can have a favorite, right?

so jovie is crazy. that is why i love her. she is all over the place all the time. i never see her sit still for more than 2-3 minutes. there is just too much for her to do and to many things for her to explore. she can't just sit around and let life pass her by. she has to embrace life! jovie has a bit of a speech delay and is learning sign language as part of her therapy. have you ever see a 2 year old do sign language? oh my gosh-it is too cute. jovie has gotten really good at the signs for more, please, help and open. i love to watch her sign.

her favorite person is my brother ryan. i think his name is the one that she learned to say the best. she started with just "ry" but now distinctly says "RYAN!!!" because she doesn't say much her expressions are exaggerated and she makes the best faces! anyways, i am really enjoying jovie right now. i could be having an absolutely horrible day and then i see jovie and it all just fades away!

sometimes i wonder what jovie will be like when she is older. i'm not sure what she will do, but it will surely involve multi-tasking...that is surely one of her strengths!

anyways, i love jovie and feel blessed that she is a part of my life!

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