Tuesday, June 12, 2007

down pour

i got home from work today and decided to take my dog for a longer than usual walk. the temperature was just right and i also needed to make a few phone calls. yes, i'm the one who walks her dog, talks on the phone, chews gum...and then gets almost hit by a car. i know some people get annoyed at people like me, but i'm a multi-tasker by nature. i always need to be doing more than one thing. thats a topic for a whole other blog though.

so, sister and i start walking and i notice the black clouds in the distance. but i decided they were too far away for me to worry. i was wrong! about 5 minutes into the walk it starts to rain and then POUR!!!! sister and i started running back to the apartment, but it was too late. we were soaked. so i stopped running and just admired the rain for a minute. i could immediately smell the rain on the hot asphalt and see the steam start to rise. it reminded me of being a kid, playing on the farm and getting caught in an afternoon thunderstorm. it was fun. sister didn't much appreciate getting so wet, but it was worth it.

i didn't sing in the rain, but i was tempted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a glorious walk! :0)