Saturday, May 5, 2007

To blog or not to blog

When I first heard about blogging I thought it was a selfish hobby. I frowned upon blogging and wondered where people found the time to blog. I would occasionally read a friend's blog just to see what it was all about...but I didn't buy into the whole thing. I found myself thinking, "Don't these people have anything better to do with their time? Heck, I could give them a laundry list of things to do for me." Honestly, I think I was jealous at first-because I wished I had that kind of spare time! However, I now have a part-time second job that has LOTS of down time. In that down time I started to read a few blogs. I was intrigued. I was reading things that I found very interesting, funny and just refreshing. I also was learning things about my friends who I thought I knew so well.
Blogging is really just a fancy word for journaling. (Our culture has created fancy words for just about everything.) When I thought of it more at journaling I started to warm up to the idea. However, I've never been much of a journalist either. I have about 10 pretty journals that collect dust on my bookshelves. Each one a gift or one that I purchased in an attempt to inspire myself to be a better journalist. It didn't work. Out of the 10 journals that I have they each average about 2-3 journal entries, followed by 100+ blank pages! A few years ago I started to journal on my laptop. I am a much faster typer than I am a writer. This solved the sore writing hand problem, but still left me feeling unsatisfied. As I began to explore the blogging world I realized how much you could do with blogs, like adding pictures, changing fonts and colors, etc. That was very appealing to me And most importantly my friends can read what I write! So, to make a long story short HERE I AM!!! I am now an official blogger. If I can find the time to browse myspace and look at the pictures on everyday, I can find the time to blog too. There are no guarantees that I will keep this up, but at least I'm not wasting 100+ pages of a journal, right?


merrill5 said...

yea! save a tree and let us into the the REAL Jennifer. welcome aboard.

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way about blogging and now I'm sold!