Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Instant gratification

I believe that the oil spill that we are dealing with right now is all a result of the instant gratification society that we live in. Everything in our society today screams "gimme, gimme, gimme!" "I want it now and I don't care how I get it, or who I hurt in the process." BP wants to make more $, so they hastily build this drilling station and never take into consideration the "what ifs" before they get busy making the big bucks. Then the explosion occurs and the whole world looks on in shock and we scratch our heads. But you can't totally blame BP-becuase they are just doing what the rest of our society is doing, getting instant gratification. Why are we dealing with an economic crisis? Because we had a spending party for years and years, and all of a sudden we realized we forgot to plan for the future and save for emergencies! Its rediciolous! So, if the government and society as a whole is doing it, why shouldn't BP do it too? I fear that our society will never learn to stop and think before we act. When are we going to learn? If BP had slowed the process of building this drilling station and first put into place some plans to deal with leaks, explosions, etc., we wouldn't be in this position! Then again, why aren't there processes in place for economic downfalls? We desperately need to stop and start delaying gratifiaction, or the whole world and our society will be at stake.

1 comment:

merrill5 said...

i agree we livein a culture at tell us, "don't wait. do it now. if it gets you rich it can't be bad, tastes good it must be good for us, if it's cheap them who cares who it hurts."
But it's so ingrained into out cultures and minds I feel we all do it in some form or fashion. Even if i'm not a big spender, I find myself doing other things- like eating fast food because I'm hungry now and it's on my way home.
I have to try my best not to be judgemental. after all, I can't throw the first stone.