Wednesday, May 20, 2009

today i went back to my old stomping grounds to proctor for EOGs. i've been back there several times since i left last year, but i never get to see all the people i want to because of varying schedules and a big building. since i was there for several hours today i got to see some former students that i haven't seen in ages. the kids that taught my first year (2003-2004) are now in fourth grade! and it just so happens that i was proctoring in fourth grade. i saw several of my former students and they are SO big now! they are no longer sweet, innocent kindergartners. they are pre-teens with hormones and boyfriends/girlfriends. one of the students i had my first year of teaching was victor. victor came from a rough neighborhood and had a very unstable home life. we had a long, hard year working on his behavior, academics and social skills. i saw him today for the first time in a year. he was SO surprised to see me. he came over to me and said "what up ms. halsey!" and he attempted to give me "a pound". i was like-no way, you are hugging me! i spoke with his teacher who told me that he is doing so well and is super smart. that made my heart so happy!

this picture shows the look that i got from about 20 former students. they were just so surprised to see me. it was so nice to be reminded of how much i was loved!