Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sam & Libby

until a year ago i claimed to be an animal lover/happy pet owner. however, i began to realize that i really don't like pets. being the neat freak that i am pets don't fit into my idea of clean. the fur, the smells, the bad breathe, etc. i felt good once i finally admitted it. it was as if finally was able to stop lying to people about how i felt about animals. and i'm finally not afraid to say that i'm not an animal lover. i really don't think it makes me a bad person either. i don't mistreat animals, i just don't like them. at all.

well, with god's great sense of humor i am now housing not one, but TWO cats! i still can't believe it. my parents are in the process of moving here from NY, but they are still taking lots of trips back and forth. so, my mom and dad approached me about taking care of their two cats. i want to do everything that i can to help my parents, so i said yes. it wasn't easy to do though!

so sam and libby have been living here since december 24th. they are about 7 years old and they are brother and sister. cute names right?!?! they sleep a lot and like to go outside a few times a day. libby loves to cuddle on the couch and sam likes to sleep at the foot of my bed. they eat twice a day and use the liter box very well. they actually prefer to go outside and use the bathroom so that is a plus.

so, as much as i hate to admit it, i really don't mind having them here! i can't believe i just said that. so maybe i'm not as much of non-animal person as i thought. the jury is still out on dogs though.


merrill5 said...

you know, I couldn't agree with you more! I love animals, but specific ones. The chosen few if you will. Not just everyones cat/dog. That's why in this whole dog pondering, I think, "well can I just have your dog?"

Jen.Rice said...

Cute kitties! I bet when it's time to give them back, you'll want to keep them. haha :-) I know what you mean, though. I hate dog hair, so how did I end up w/a dog that sheds like it's his job????

*marissa* said...

um i am NOT an animal person. i won't use the word "hate", but it's pretty darn well close :)

cmrpaul said...

Sam and Libby are CUTE! I lovelovelove animals. I have become such a cat person when I used to be more of a dog person but I love them both. And hamsters and birds and maybe ferrets if they don't bite and maybe bunnies if they don't poop all over everything. Love aminals:)

CindyLooHoo said...

Now, come on, you obviously have a soft spot in there for our four legged friends! You know I am a huge dog lover (cats not so much- but sam and libby I am sure are super sweet), and my dogs rule the roost. You will miss them once they are gone, so it will not surprise me one bit to see a new post on here eventually announcing your new addition :)