Wednesday, April 30, 2008

my tattoo!!!

I finally got my first tattoo! I've been thinking about it for a long time now and I always knew what I wanted to get. It was just a matter of getting the nerve up to do it. I got the Ichthus-better known as the "Christian fish". Here is some history on it:
" Ichthus is the Greek word for fish and it represents the first letters in the words of the Greek phrase meaning "Jesus Christ Son of God. Savior." This earliest Christian symbol was based on many of the disciplines being fishermen. Since Christianity was an underground movement for the first 300 years. The Ichthus was a secret sign that allowed followers to identify themselves to one another. Upon meeting someone, a Christian would quietly make a single arced mark in the earth. If the stranger were Christian he would complete the sign of the fish by adding a reverse arc. Today this simple outline of the fish of the letters IXOYC can be seen worldwide as symbol of one's faith in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior. "

I love it!

1 comment:

cmrpaul said...

Looks so pretty! I love the thin-to-thick lines. It gives it dimension.