Wednesday, April 23, 2008

all blogging aside...

no, has it been a month since my last post?!?! wow. let me tell you my life is at the beginning of a new chapter and i'm so excited about it. as many of you well know by now, i got the scholarship i've been praying for, hoping for, dreaming for. sometimes i still can't believe it! the life that i have grown very use to is about to be completely changed. i'm sooooo use to teaching kindergarten. i know i've only been doing it five years-but in this phase of my life that feels like a lifetime. five years ago i still had no idea who i really was and what i really wanted. in five years time i have learned so much about who i am, what i want and who i want to be. however i always thought that the "who i want to be" was out of reach or too big of a dream. but now the dream, the prayer, is coming true. i can't wrap my mind around the fact that i'm only teaching for about thirty more days and then i'm done! no more "nine to five" for me. i'll be a full time student again with a backpack and some classes that won't require me to get out of bed till noon (insert HUGE smiley face) crazy right?!?! of course the whole "nine to five" deal will return when i complete school, but it will be the "nine to five" that i always wanted. aside from all that my trip to africa is right around the corner! despite all the busyness of school, registering for classes, finding a summer job, etc. i'm going to africa! i still can hardly believe it. i feel as if i've walked into god's favor. like he has been at work behind the scenes of my life and just now, this month, i walked through the curtains to see all that he has done. it is amazing and i'm in awe of his goodness to me. i sometimes question how deserving i am of all this. but god quickly reminds me that because of his grace and mercy and unfailing love-i deserve it all.