Thursday, January 17, 2008


due to the wintry mix that has fallen around the triangle my school has a two hour delay. can i just tell you how glorious a two hour delay is? some might think its not as good as a snow day...but you're wrong! if we have a snow day it has to made up, but a two hour delay? those precious two hours are MINE and we don't have to make them up! so, when i got the phone call at 4am i reset my alarm clock-changing it from 5:40 to 7:40!!!! if you know me you know how much i love sleep-so that was great. right now i am watching the today show-which i NEVER get to see, while sipping on my morning coffee...sipping-i usually am gulping the last of it down when the kids are walking into the classroom. and it gets better-when the kids arrive at school this morning they will come in at 9:45 and by the time they unpack and do their warm up work it will be lunch time!!!! (yeah, we have an early lunch at 10:15) which means my teaching part of the day will already be half over. wow-can we have a 2 hour delay everyday?

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