Wednesday, November 28, 2007


that is the only word that accurately describes how i feel. i am busy and lots of deadlines are fast approaching. my two biggest stresses right now are that christmas in right around the corner and all 4 grad school applications need to be signed, sealed and delivered by january 15th. needless to say i haven't found much time to blog. i always check your blogs, but don't take the time to blog myself. i will be back soon. congratulations to angela and jj-they welcomed baby natalie yesterday! and happy birthday to reilly and rachel! now i know 3 people whose birthday is november 27th! rachel, reilly and natalie. must be a special day :)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

my new boyfriend

i went to the tree lighting at southpoint tonight and got to hear lifehouse play. well, no one ever bothered to tell me how HOT the lead singer is! i found myself staring at the big screen to get a better look. his name is jason wade. doss and i really enjoyed him, and the music too!
take a look at my new boyfriend :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

a fun weekend!

we had so much fun at grandfather mountain!! we decided it will be an annual thing from now on!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

if you're looking for me this weekend...

I'll be here. Enjoying the mountains. Enjoying great friends. Enjoying a long weekend!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

God though a 12 year old boy

8:45-driving to take MAT. call my dad to pray with him (as planned yesterday). no answer.

9:00-arrive at testing site and begin to review for test, scheduled to begin at 10.

9:15-back in NY my dad is driving to a meeting and remembers he is suppose to pray with me around 9. reaches for his phone and realizes he left it home by accident. prays for me anyways and asks god to bring be peace as i prepare for the test.

9:20-a boy around the age of 12 walks past me as i study. i think to myself-what is a 12 year old boy doing at a college hall on a Saturday morning? our eyes meet and he continues to walk, i continue to study.

9:25-the boy walks by again and says " I wish you the best of luck on your test today," with a big smile on his face. I INSTANTLY knew that God was speaking through this boy to let me know that it was going to be okay and that he was right there by my side.

9:26-the prayers of my earthly father are answered by my heavenly father.

10:00-test begins and i have a strong sense of peace

11:15-test ends and i did well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!