Thursday, September 27, 2007


i stole this from jamie. it is too funny! enjoy!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

scaed (scared)

i could really write a book of all the funny things that i hear my kindergarteners say-they crack me up! but instead i will try to remember to put them in a blog so that my readers can have a laugh too.

so i was working in the bookmaking center with this adorable little girl today. she doesn't use "r's" in her speech yet and she occasionally omits some other sounds. we were making a book about things that go (we are learning about transportation). she was pleased that she was able to complete the book without much difficulty. i could see her confidence building. she was telling me about her feelings about starting kindergarten and she said this; "ms. hawsey, i was gettin' a wittle scaed of kindewgaten, when kelly (her sister) said dey got pwdoh, and i said I'M DERE!" ( i tried to type it the way she said it).
definition-ms. halsey, i was getting a little scared of kindergarten, when kelly said they got play doh and i said "I'm there!"

how cute is that?!?! did you know that a little playdoh can take away a whole lot of fear?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Psalm 37:4

I love Joel Osteen. He is one of the best preachers of God's grace. I make a point to watch him every Sunday morning, and every Sunday morning I am blessed by what he says. I know that some refer to him as the "smiling preacher" and some say that he is too nice to his congregation-but I say bring it on Joel.!!! There are MILLIONS of people in this world that need to be treated nicely and need to know beyond a shade of doubt that God's grace is available to them.

Through Joel's website you can sign up for daily devotionals to be emailed to you. This one really touched me. Sometimes I really don't think that God is going to give me the desires of my heart. I get discouraged and feel like giving up my dreams. But God knows what I need and want!!! Read all about it.

Today's Scripture
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart”(Psalm 37:4 AMP).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria God knows the secret petitions of your heart. He knows every hidden dream He’s placed within you. He knows those things that you haven’t told anybody about. Maybe you thought they would never come to pass, or maybe you buried them because they didn’t happen on your timetable. Maybe, in the natural, you have every reason to give up on those dreams. Be encouraged today—God is still working behind the scenes! He still has a plan to bring those dreams to pass. Do what the verse says, and delight yourself in Him today. That word delight, actually means to make yourself soft and pliable. It paints the picture of God as the Potter and you as the clay. Allow God to mold and shape your character today. Allow Him to direct your plans and ideas. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy today, and as you submit your ways to the Lord and open your heart to His leading, He will fulfill those secret petitions of your heart!

A Prayer for Today
Father, You said the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter. You said no good thing will You withhold because I walk uprightly before You. You said because I delight myself in You, You will give me the secret petitions of my heart. So Father, I thank You today for being in control of my life. Thank You for the good things You have in store for my future. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

I like this one....

Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.Don't dance so fast.Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day on the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow downDon't dance so fast.Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had timeTo call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.Don't dance so fast.Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....Thrown away.
Life is not a race.Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fallin' in love with fall

I love fall! Summer use to be my favorite season when I lived in New York. Now my favorite season is fall. Summer in the south is just too hot sometimes. But fall is just gorgeous-cool mornings, warm afternoons, beautiful leaves and chilly nights. Last fall is when I actually fell in love with this season. It was beautiful and the changing leaves were amazing. Look at this picture I took last fall!

Anyways-I'm happy that fall is here :)

Friday, September 7, 2007

5 year olds

i'm really enjoying getting to know my new class. it only takes me a few days to figure most of them out. i love to listen to their conversations with one another as they get to know their classmates. unlike adults, they skip past the small talk and get right down to playing and being best friends. they don't even care to know each other's names that much, they don't really find that important. as long as that person is available to go on the slide with them at recess or build a castle with them in our blocks center-that's all that matters. i wish it was that easy as adults!

on wednesday i was sitting with a small group of kids and they were gluing green dyed noodles onto a piece of paper with their name on it. this was the first time we experimented with glue. i have this sweet boy in my class this year with the most southern accent i have ever heard on a five year old. as he was gluing his noodles down he got some glue on his fingers. he was intrigued by the drying glue on his finger-and made this statement (imagine it in a true southern accent). "ms. halsey, this glue dries on my fingers like boogers do."

lol...3 days later it still makes me laugh!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

i'm back...i think

i can't believe that i haven't posted in weeks! sorry about that. back to school is such a crazy time. i go from lazy summer days with little to nothing to do and then the next day i have a thousand things to do. this is a killer on me physically. i like to sleep in, so that is what i do all summer. but i pay for it once school starts again. at the time i would be normally starting to get up and drink my coffee in the summer, i have already had breakfast and am headed to lunch at work! yes-we have lunch at 10:20 am :(
so, needless to say my blog has been ignored. so far so good with my 5th kindergarten class. today was only their second full day, but they are doing well. i only have 2 criers so far, and they both don't cry for long. thank the lord! i think i'm gonna have fun with this class.

in my last blog i mentioned my Halsey/God partnership to help me get through the school year. well i'm happy to report that it is working. god is a great partner!!!! i have been able to stay calm and not get super stressed. i have even continued to have a life! i have not put my life on hold for the first few months of school. god is good. i encourage you to invite him into your workplace. ask him to partner with you and see what he does. he will always be on time, he will help you with all your tasks and he will teach you new things through the people and things you come in contact with at work. i know it is easy to say that your work is not related to your faith or that your job does nothing to further His kingdom. but you can make it both of those if you want to. let god show you how you can further His kingdom through your job. its amazing how much easier your job can be when you do it for God and not just for a paycheck.