Tuesday, July 24, 2007

i think i have a drinking problem...

not the kind you think though (thank god). i went to the grocery store today and i realized that i went there just to get drinks! i left with 3-four packs of flavored seltzer, 2 things of crystal light, and a case of diet coke. it got me thinking about my drinking! and i realized that i am always drinking something. if i am going out to run errands i always have a water or d.c. with me. when i am home i am always drinking a seltzer or crystal light and when i go out to eat i take advantage of free refills like its my job. my mom even noticed this habit when i was younger and she took me to the doctor to see what was wrong with me. she thought that i had diabetes or something. thankfully i don't have a medical problem. i'm not even thirsty all the time-i just like to have a cold drink...ALL the time.
that's my story and i'm sticking to it :)


Sarah said...

Funny, on the psych units, when people carry a beverage 24/7, our suspicion for alcoholism increases, because it is usually something else that gets them in the habit of carrying a beverage all the time. Hopefully this will never be an issue to consider... :)

Mrs. Cooper said...

I used to do that but I learned really quickly that drinking = peeing and I don't really have time for that second part. :-) I do want to know, though, how does a kindergarten teacher drink that many liquids and not squirm during class???

Jennifer said...

i think my body is just use to it, i don't really have to pee all the time. but when i do have to go its a welcome break for 2 minutes away from the kindergarteners:)

*marissa* said...

drunkard! hehe.