Thursday, March 12, 2009

pretty at the gym?!?!?!!!!

when i go to the gym to workout...i'm there to do just that. workout. i do not go to socialize, i do not go to impress anyone, and i certainly don't go there to pick-up guys. so when i go to the gym i do NOT look cute. i wear one of two pairs of old, cotton, drawstring pants, a tee shirt and usually a hat. (hopefully my hair will soon be long enough to get into a ponytail so i can lose the hat!) i don't wear makeup because i sweat like a pig and because i'm there to workout. i also don't fool around at the gym because i really can't afford to. i have a lot of work to do and a lot of weight to lose, so i can't just go there to hang out. well, a few weeks ago i was working my butt off when i noticed a girl strolling around the gym. she was dressed very nice...she had on true workout pants(like nike or adidas-not target brand like mine), brand new sneakers and a see through shirt that you probably would where out on a friday night. she also had her hair blown out perfectly and a complete make-up job. now i must confess-on bad morning i will throw on some cover up and bronzer just so i don't scare people at the gym. but i never put on a full face like this girl...she had eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, foundation, bronzer, the whole nine yards. i'll admit that i'm jealous of girls like this. she was very pretty and didn't even need to be at the gym. so all this was okay with me until i got on a machine next to her. that's when i got mad. she was sitting on a machine but she wasn't really using it. she was sitting on it and playing solitaire on her iphone! seriously?!?!? you came to the gym to sit on a machine and play solitaire?!??! couldn't she do that at home?!?!? it really made me mad! there i am sweating my *&@ off and she is chillin', playing a game. ugh! i'll admit that some, or most, or my anger is the result of being jealous...but really?!??! come on now. yes i wish i could be her-she doesn't even need to workout. but i just felt like her being there was rubbing it in my face.

that's it. no fun or meaningful ending to this was just a good way for me to vent!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


2 years ago today a miracle took place in my dining room. God stepped into my apartment and touched my brother’s heart. Ryan was instantly healed…but we did not know that for several months. What took place on that March afternoon was a result of God’s unfailing love, grace and mercy…but also 6 years of P.U.S.H. If you are not familiar with P.U.S.H. it stands for Pray Until Something Happens.

My family, my friends, my relatives, my church and perfect strangers prayed for Ryan’s healing…for 6 long years. God proved to be faithful to our prayers on March 5, 2007 and we will forever be grateful for that.

If you are dealing with pain and suffering and you feel like God is ignoring you…don’t give up! Keep the faith and keep! God will rescue you. Remember Ryan’s story when you get discouraged. If God can heal him, he can certainly heal you too!

Today is a great day for me. I would go so far as to say that there might not be another sister in this world that is more proud of her brother. J