Saturday, February 28, 2009

my ring

a few weeks ago i read a great book about being single. i normally can't stand these kind of books...i feel like i've already heard it all. you have to trust god, he will provide, don't put your life on hold, etc. etc. etc. my mom gave me this book a long time ago and i just rolled my eyes (sorry mom) and put it on my bookshelf. well recently i felt led to read it and i'm glad i did. it was refreshing. so to make a long story short the book said that if you see a piece of jewelry that you like-buy it! don't think that you have to wait till you get married to have "nice jewelry". so i was telling my family about the book and how i had seen a pretty ring in kohls that i wanted to buy. i briefly described it by saying; its round and has some diamonds on it. that is all i said-never mentioned it again. well, on my birthday i was opening my gifts and i was SO surprised to see the ring! i was TRULY surprised. so much so that i started to cry..i couldn't believe they remembered what i said and then went and bought it. i have to tell you-it is VERY hard to surprise me. i am very good at figuring out what i am getting for my birthday, christmas, etc. i actually can't remember the last time i was actually surprised by a gift before the ring. that is not to say i don't love my gifts...i just know in advance what i'm getting. so this ring was a true surprise and a true blessing. i have a great family!


so i gave up facebook for lent. this was not my original plan. my original plan was to add something for lent and not give anything up. i was going to add consistent daily quiet time to each day during lent and hopefully carry that on into the future. but as ash wednesday approached i felt god prompting me to give up facebook. so i decided to go for it. on tuesday my status declared that i was giving up facebook for lent. as soon as i posted that status i panicked. now i really have to do it! i can't get out of it now because i just told everyone! so tuesday night around 11pm i signed on for the last time for fourty days. i logged off and let out a big sigh. well today is day 4 and i'm still alive :) i actually haven't missed it that much. however-i now realize how much we rely on facebook to communicate. i've already been unaware of several things that are happening because i'm not on facebook. i've had a few phone conversations that led to "oh that right! you're not on facebook..."
but right now i want to communicate with god more than anyone else (no offense to my peeps!) so i think this will be a very positive thing. i also haven't had any trouble finding time for quiet time with god...this is not surprising!

i hope you all are enjoying the season of lent as well!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

its my birthday!

i can't believe that another year has come and gone. its amazing how fast time goes by when you are having FUN! and that is the truth. my life is so much fun right now. i'm happier and more content than i've ever been and i'm living in excited anticipation of what god has in store for this coming year. i suspect that its going to be a great one.

top 10 reasons why its great to be me!
10. i'm getting in shape and losing weight-it feels great.
9. i'm pursuing my dream of being a school administrator.
8. i am unemployed and loving it!!
7. i have an amazing church and an amazing church family
6. i have great friends that i adore.
5. within the next few months my entire immediate family will all be living in nc and most of my extended family too. no more traveling for the holidays and having to go long periods of time without seeing each other!
4. i'm single and that has allowed me to pursue my dreams without anything holding me back.
3. i will not be single much longer-god is so faithful and i know he has an amazing man in store for me!!!!
2. i finally know myself-its only taken 28 years for me to figure "me" out!
1. god is my savior and best friend.