Thursday, October 2, 2008

my new life

sooooooooo...a few things have changed lately that prevent me from blogging the way i'd like to. grad school has taken over my life. every bit of free time/down time is now devoted to writing papers, reading thousands of articles and books, going to class...and did i mention reading and writing? wow! its crazy the amount of work i have to do-but don't get me wrong-I LOVE IT! i'm learning sooooo much and have the most fascinating professors. i actually look forward to all my classes, which is quite a difference from undergrad!

i'm also in love with not working. (maybe kelley was right all those years...working is overrated! ) here is what a typical day of mine looks like:

8:00 alarm goes off
8:30-9 i actually get up
9-9:30 coffee and the today show
9:30-10 check email and get my facebook fix
10-go for a walk (this is a recent addition to my day)
11-shower and get dressed
11:30-12:30 school work
12:30-12:45 lunch
12:45-3:00 school work with frequent breaks to get a drink, use the bathroom, check email, etc.
3:00 get ready for class
3:30-leave for class
4-10 classes (yes, three hours classes back-to-back) it hurts my butt!
10:30-get home and unwind
10:30-11:30 school work
11:30 facebook fix, check email, watch some TV

okay, okay-i know all you moms hate me right about now. i'm sorry! but now do you understand why i love not working?!?! i know this one year of freedom from work is going to fly by, so i'm trying to enjoy every moment of it!

i apologize in advance for my lack of blogging. all my writing is now devoted to school work. but i will make an honest effort to keep you up to date.

(and if you're interested in boosting my self esteem-please become one of blog followers. i only have 2 right now and that makes me sad! )