Tuesday, May 20, 2008


-the past few days have been great. i had a nice, relaxing and fun weekend. last night i got to spend some true quality time with my brother and we had a great time. we went to carrboritos for dinner and sat outside and then we went for a stroll through the gimgoughl (spelling?) road historical district. the houses are so gorgeous and everything was blooming! then we went to lickity split for some yummy ice cream. what a great night!
-ryan got another very cool tattoo yesterday and i got to go with him. it's on his forearm and says "take courage". i love it!
-my mom is coming to town tomorrow for the long weekend. i'm excited to see her and spend some quality time with her.
-kim is being induced tomorrow. baby jeager should be here sometime tomorrow! i can't wait to meet him!!!
-fireworks are one of my favorite things. i went to a durham bulls game on friday night and after the game they did fireworks. i sat through them with an ear-to-ear grin. i feel like a kid in a candy store every time i see fireworks! i hope, i mean dream, to have them at my wedding someday :)
-my best friend has gone m.i.a. kelley-if you read this please call me!!!!!!!!!
-there are only 14 school days left! i'm so ready for this school year to be OVER! i'm not looking forward to packing up my classroom though :/
-i'm going to africa in less than a month! i'm so excited that i can't really put words to my feelings! go team swazi.
-i started walking/jogging again. i've only been 3 times in the past week-but its a start. slow and steady runs the race, right?!?!
-i've truly enjoyed the wonderful smells of spring while on my walks/jogs. honeysuckle is my favorite smell in the whole world. love it!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


we had kindergarten screening yesterday for next year's class. i was working with a little boy and he was doing a great job. i asked him, "how did you get so smart?" and in a very matter-of-fact way he said "oh, god told me how to do it." and he continued working.

i love the innocence and honesty of children.