one year ago today something amazing happened. it was an amazing god thing. and i don't feel i can give it any justice unless i tell the read on.
i woke up with a pit in my stomach-
ryan had not come home again. this was one of dozens of nights that he didn't make it home after a long night of drinking. i was mentally and physically exhausted from worrying. my hope was fading and my days were consumed with just making sure he was alive. we barely spoke. my family and i had not given up on
ryan-not once...but we had no idea how to help him. he was so lost, so unhappy and so out of control. he had been to rehab twice already, he had been diagnosed with epilepsy, and he wouldn't listen to us anymore. this had been going on for 7 years.
i drove to work and just prayed the entire time-i cried out to the lord as i had thousands of times in the past-i begged him to help
ryan. i had been at work only an hour or two when i got a phone call from his girlfriend,
ryan had lost control again and ended up at her door step in a drunken state. she would not let him in knowing his condition and he proceeded to punch holes in her door and verbally threaten her. she called the cops-but he got away before they got there. i could not leave work, and what good would it have done anyways? he probably was now at home sleeping it off. i prayed my way through the rest of the day and left immediately after school. i called
adam on my way home to see if
ryan had showed up at work. he was on his way to the job to check. i told
adam to pray-it was clear that
ryan's situation was getting worse by the day. i prayed some more.
i got home and
ryan was no where to be seen. i called him and left messages, i talked to my parents and asked them to pray. i knew he would be home soon and a confrontation would take place. i prayed.
he came home shortly after i spoke with my parents. he tried to walk right past me and to his room. i stopped him and began talking. what exactly did i say? i don't know. i just know that god was speaking through me and i needed to keep talking.
ryan stood in front of me with a blank stare-his eyes were so empty and his shoulders hung low-his
knuckles bloody. the longer i talked the more he seemed to listen, until finally something in him broke. in fact i think everything in him broke...his heart, his mind, his physical being, all of it. he began to cry and then sob. he let out years worth of tears. i told him it was time to get help NOW. i got out the phone book-opened it to the yellow pages section titled "addiction" and handed him the phone. he looked at me as if to say"really? right now? i have to do this now?" and i said yes. the events that followed happened only by the grace of god. he entered an outpatient rehab program through
unc, he started going to church on a regular basis, he met with our pastor, he started telling the truth. months later he
rededicated his life to the lord and was baptized.
i have my brother back-the brother i thought was gone forever. he beat a disease that has affected my family for over 75 years. i believe he broke a generational curse. today he has been sober 365 days. we are closer than we have ever been. he is not just my brother...he is one of my best friends. thank god for what he did. it has been an amazing year and i can't wait to see what he has in store for
ryan in the future.
happy one year of sobriety
ryan. words hardly express how proud we are of you. i love you...